Disco Duck

Happy Monday! I found this gem in a pile of records and I figure it might be the perfect soundtrack for reading my emails this morning. ‘Irwin The Disco Duck and the Wibble Wabble Singers and Orchestra’ must have had many challenges fitting their band name on venue marquees.
via Instagram

Vinyl Sunset “All We Need Is Time”

I am exhausted, I feel like I’ve been to or at least through every section of Los Angeles today, increasingly late as the day raced on.

I’m back in Venice now. It’s time for a little vinyl sunset with Al Green ‘Truth n Time’:

I’m pretty sure I’ll be back out in just a few moments though, “all we need is time…”, yes please, Al, a little more time.



Nectar For My Ears

I recorded a couple demos this morning and almost finished another new song, so I’m taking a couple of hours off this afternoon and studying the masters, The Beatles ‘Rubber Soul’ on vinyl, and then ‘Wings Over America’. I got them last week and haven’t been able to listen to them since.


In a couple of hours, the whole band is meeting at Phil’s for dinner, he’s a very good cook as well as being a tremendous cellist. And then we’re out to see a show. It’ll be a fun night, and then when I get back super late I’m going to try to finish a song that’s been nagging me…

I hope your Tuesday is good too.