David Bowie

In the northern Shaolin tradition we are assigned to a master to train with and learn from, and although David Bowie was not my master, he taught at the same temple and I attended some (too few) of his classes. His music is broad and his artistry is dense, and he’s intimidating and challenging. We don’t lose a true master very often, and although they might mention his name on the same news pages as trivial celebrities, we know better the weight of who he was and what he gave us. David Bowie was not my master, but I bow low and listen.
Goodnight, David Bowie.


MP3s Don’t Come With Posters

I found this vinyl treasure at Bop Street Records (thanks Sam and Catherine for the gift card!) and I’ve been in heaven all afternoon. Wings Over America, 1976. The lights are low, and the bass is heavy, and it’s a 3 disc set.



Since you’re not here with me listening to this record, here’s a video, it’s not the same, but it’s still pretty rad:

(however, Denny Laine’s vocal mimicry at :51 seconds is inexplicable and inexcusable. Stay away from cocaine.)



Call Me Back Again

This is so good, I’m not sure if I’m posting it here to share it with you or to save it here for myself so I can always come back to it:

When I was in high school I had Wings Over America (my friends were all in to later grunge music, so my choice was a little weird) and played the fekk out of it, and this was one of my favourite songs on it. Anyway, I hope you dig it.



Mull of Kintyre?

Sometimes if a bar hasn’t heard us play before, they ask if we play any cover songs, at which point I immediately respond “yes!”, but with an evil smirk on the dark side of my heart (from where most of my giggling germinates). Then I start to think of absurd cover tunes we could do, like this:

But then I realise, it’s still Paul McCartney, and it’s still infectious even though most Americans (rightfully) have no idea what a Mull or a Kintyre is, it doesn’t matter. McCartney could be singing about poo (and probably has) and we’d still be humming it in our head for the next week after hearing it. Hmmm, maybe ‘We All Stand Together’, with the Frog Chorus? I wonder if I can get the original lineup…