Tonight’s Performance Canceled at the Josephine

OK, well, I hoped it wouldn’t come to this, but I got caught in the cold windy rain on Monday night and I’ve been sick since. Bit of fever, and no voice. Unfortunately, I won’t be able to sing at the Josephine tonight in Ballard as scheduled.

Keith Cook, Sightseer, and Paco Le Gato are still scheduled to help you have a fun evening!

I hope to see you soon!



Not In The Mood

I’m just not in the mood to blog today. I’d like to have a nice live concert video from YouTube to share with you, or some cool science story, or anything interesting like that, but I just can’t summon the motivation to do any of that stuff. Today, I sorted and uploaded some photos from fans, I invited some folks to some upcoming shows, I came up with some song ideas, I planned and schemed, I replied to fan emails (, I “followed” people on Twitter (, I texted friends, I started designing a new poster, I talked to some folks about helping me book shows, I ate a PB&J, I’m making a cup of tea right now and typing this message to you, and I don’t imagine anything interesting will happen for the rest of the evening, but now that I’ve said that I can hear the Universe stifling a laugh…

Check back tomorrow, we’ll see what’s up for real instead of this laundry list of blah.
