Have You Seen My Keys?

I opened the door, took off my shoes, put my jacket on the arm of the sofa, answered a phone call on the way to the kitchen, brewed some tea whilst on the phone, finished the conversation, took the tea to the studio, answered email, listened to some music, took the tea outside for a little bit and read a book, came back inside, went to the kitchen to get some chips, put the book away, took a nap, woke up, recorded for a while, worked on some cello parts, etc. etc. etc. And now I can’t find my keys, I’ve looked everywhere, except for where they are, obviously.

If found, please contact me immediately. 




PS. One of my biggest fears is that when I die I’ll be confronted with a tally of all the time in my life that I’ve spent looking for misplaced items.

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